
Testimonials | Unique Insight Readings

Hi Sandra, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful and insightful reading you did for me today. It was very enlightening and empowering. I feel I now have the confidence and motivation to keep growing in both my spiritual and earthly lives. I really look forward to all that joy and playfulness you saw coming my way. I also wanted to say how much I appreciated you taking extra time to talk with me and guide me through your insights.

I can tell you are a very caring person and passionate about what you do. I had a telephone conversation this evening with me dad who confirmed not only one but two franciscan priests in his family! One is my dad’s uncle who preached in Galicia, Spain as well as Morocco and the Vatican. The other is my dad’s cousin who was Spanish as well but worked in Venezuela and was also a professor at a private school. The one priests that came to my mind during the reading was the one who was my dad’s uncle.

I saw his picture at my family home when I was little and this picture came to mind when you were talking about a priest. I wonder who of the two men is my spiritual guide. For some reason, I feel a connection to my dad’s uncle. My dad also said that this uncle is buried in a church cemetery in Galicia next to my great-grandad. Thanks again Sandra! Wishing you all the best – Maria

If you have not yet had a reading by Sandra Wagman I suggest you do!! I have a reading done by Sandra about every 6 months and it helps me stay focussed, focus on the big picture and the most important things in life. From your numbers, her intuition and her cards, you will soon learn that Sandra can see all of you in every aspect of your life which is incredible.

The things she has brought to my attention and shared in my readings are specific, real and from the heart. There is no way she could have known many aspects of my readings by just knowing me in the community, I believe her insight is real and guided for a very special energy. And when something comes up in a reading that does not make sense or seems to mean nothing to me, it is literal days or weeks before it is, so she can see things for me and my life even before they happen or I am even aware of them coming into my life.

When working with Sandra, I have found it easy to share and be open with her. She is a safe, kind sole who would never share your information with anyone else. So sit back and book your first reading whether in person or over the phone. I promise she will not disappoint!! I have been seeing Sandra for about 2 years and have sent well over 25 people to her and I will continue to do so. – Jenifer Eberts

Sandra Wagman helped facilitate a card reading for me and I came to the experience with a questioning mind and an open heart. There are three points that Sandra made during this session that, over time, have come to fruition. Two of these awareness’s had to do with my professional life…both have come true. And, one had to do with my personal life… also completely accurate and spot on. Thank you for sharing your skills and expertise with me and anyone else who is willing to step into experience.  – Bet Diening-Weatherston

I met Sandra synchronously shortly after moving to Sechelt. We “randomly” met at the local Oracle shop where, after a brief conversation, she asked if she could “do my numbers”. She proceeded to do a spontaneous reading for me that was so accurate it brought me to tears. I immediately knew then that this woman was gifted.

I decided to treat myself to a full on reading for my birthday and it blew me away. Much of what she told me, I could already intuitively feel in my heart, however, her words were a comforting confirmation for the direction I’ve been taking my life over the past year. She also told me many things that were out my realm of awareness that I immediately knew were truth because I could feel her words on a deep intuitive level.

I’ll say it again, Sandra is gifted and I made it very clear to her that if she doesn’t share her gifts with the world, she’s ripping the world off. So I am extremely grateful that she is now out there sharing her gifts in a bigger way to help so many others find their way.  – Deb Ozarko

Sandra is rare gem, kindred spirit and a highly gifted, creative intuitive that uses her genius to lift the spirit of others in a very kind, compassionate and heartwarming way.  She carefully takes her time receiving messages from Spirit that are bang on, landing with a bit of mystery and intrigue.  The experience with Sandra is magical and one that I will always remember – helping me to rise up on my path with insight, courage and wisdom to move forward.  Truly uplifting! Thank you Sandra for sharing your gifts with the world. – Paula Pyne

Thank you Sandra, for that fantastic reading at the Sechelt Market the other day! I know you know me, but the stuff you were reading was stuff nobody could know, that was CRAZY; and was totally in context. Me thinks you have found your ‘thing’. LOVES TO YOU. – Derek

Hi Sandra, Thank you again so much for your reading! It was truly amazing and definitely UNIQUE! Loved the variety and your unbelievable, bang-on intuition!!! You are absolutely IN YOUR GENIUS!!!!! – Karen Love

Thank you so much for the reading today Sandra. I believe that with the gypsy cards, tarot cards and angel cards along with your vision I received the ‘whole nine yards’ today. You made me think of things I haven’t thought of or faced in a long time and i need to clear up in order to be at peace with my life and choices i have made. You helped me to believe in myself once again. I have lots to think about!
Thank you again! – Cheryl Kingston-Richardson

I read over what you wrote for me (date of birth – Nov 13, 1965) and it’s bang on. Everything in the reading seems to be pretty accurate – I will let you know as time goes on. – Maureen

It was a delight meeting you today and getting the messages I so needed to hear. The whole reading just hit home, most welcomed as my ears needed to hear them aloud. – Reet Vahesalu

Thanks Sandra, Hard hearing the truth, but looking forward to new blessings! Very Happy and relieve from the reading. I will let you know how it goes. – Teresa

 Had a great time very insightful. Thank you – Devon

 I was scared before my reading but Sandra was amazing. Thank you. P.S. She gives great hugs – Melissa

Awesome, was engaged the entire time. Sandra was easy to sit with funny, Picked up on a lot. I really enjoyed everything! – Racheal

Thank you for your insightful meaning filled experience – Love Jacqueline

Sandra, What an amazing and insightful experience. Thank you for sharing your intuition with me – Love D.P.

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